The rare warm weather on Friday was way too enticing. By the time I left work I was set on going out for a ride today. I even planned on waking up early to minimize the amount of traffic I have to deal with (yes, early, on a Saturday... after a hellish week at work) A co-worker told me about the 11-mile Minuteman Bikeway which starts near the Alewife station in Cambridge and ends in Bedford. Sounded classic (as in historic).
So this morning I busted out the spandex again (plus my yellow windbreaker & legwarmer) and set out when the temperature was in the high 40s. Once I got to Alewife station, it took me a while to find the actual bikepath, as there was one going the opposite way and took me to Davis Square. However, once I got on the path, the fun began. Frankly, the bikepath was pretty much what I imagined: flat, and almost monotone. It didn't compare with those scenic ones (esp. the one along the river... sigh I'm losing the specific details of my 4K memories, NOOOOO!!!) out west where every turn reveals a view that would prompt me to tell myself to take a mental snapshot and hope that I'd remember it forever, but it was definitely a comfy setting to just ride and not worry about the possibility of getting run over by cars.
There were tons of people out on that path today. Families with children biking together remind me of our family bike trip in the Poconos. That 25-miler took us through valleys, old railroad tracks, frequent breaks, and lots of grunting. I guess it's yet another memory that has become more meaningful only in retrospect, and once that happens even the trivial details grow into glorified bittersweet moments that will haunt me at the most unexpected times.
PS. no pictures taken today as everything was still dry and brownish-looking. I think this will be an awesome ride in the summer though, when everything is green (bushes are important, yo).